Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Week Three Day Two

Yesterday I did a lot of errands. I walked so much that my feet started to hurt. My walking shoes are ancient. I have contrary big wide feet and I avoid shopping for shoes as much as possible. I'm going to have to buy some soon though. I need some decent walking shoes.
After today's run I started to have some shin pain. I haven't had that for about two months. I'm sure it's related to the bad walking shoes. It's bad enough that I caved in and took two Tylenol.
I ran 4:1 intervals today instead of 3:1 intervals. That was a mistake. I have no idea how much walking I did yesterday but by the end of the day I could barely walk due to extreme pain in my right foot. I felt fine when I woke up so I thought I could handle 4:1 intervals.
I will make this an easy week. Friday I will redeem myself by being kind to my body. I will do 3:1 intervals. I am only going to run one mile. I will walk for the remainder of my exercise time.
Next Saturday is race day so I think I will do a long run of four miles with 3:1 intervals on Monday.
Wednesday I will do a 30 minute run of 3:1 intervals. Then, I will take off Friday and drink 6 oz of water every hour.
That's the plan...

Monday, December 28, 2009

Galloway- Week Three Day One

Our 5 y/o daughter donned her running shoes this morning. She joined me and ran for about 1/8 of a mile and then hopped on her bicycle. I ran intervals this morning. I did intervals of 5:1; 3:1; 6:1 and two 8:1 intervals.
The weather was a pleasant 58 degrees. Midway thru the run the sun started kickin'.
I'm unsure of my pace this time as I had to stop to get our daughter's bicycle for her and then drop her back home. My run was about 37 minutes long.
One of my favorite parts of my run is when I feel like I can take off and fly. It feels as if an impermeable brick wall is removed. My friend Carloyn says that's my "second wind." To me it feels like a first wind because the first part of the run is a little challenging.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Week Two Day Three

December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!
I ran a practice 5K today. I did 3:1 run/walk intervals. It was fun to run while listening to the Original soundtrack of "A Charlie Brown Christmas.".
To my surprise I've shaved six minutes off my 5K time. This is after following Galloway's suggestions for only two weeks. I was able to run 3.1 miles in 37 minutes. In comparison, on Thanksgiving Day I ran 3.1 miles in 43:16 seconds. I was really pleased that I didn't feel wiped out afterward.
The temperature was 80 and the humidity was over 80%.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Galloway Week Two Day Two

Yesterday I mailed our registration forms for our next 5K. The funds will help to take care of children in an African orphanage.
Today I got off work at 0730. I ran some errands then slept from 1100 to 1500. I rested until 1600. I prepped for my run. My prep includes one cup of green tea 30 minutes to one hour before my run plus two puffs of my bronchodilator 1/2 hour before my run. The green tea has caffeine which helps to dilate the bronchioles in my lungs. Popular thought claims that green tea helps to increase metabolism of fat too. Mu ha ha!
My 10 y/o son ran with me for 15 minutes. We did 3:1 run/walk intervals.
After approximately 27 minutes of running I picked up the pace and ran very quickly. I felt like an airplane about to take off. :)
After one to two minutes of picking up the pace, I felt a little wheezy. I tried a tip I read from a member on I cupped one hand around my mouth and nose and breathed in the warm humid air. It seemed to help.
My next scheduled running day is on Christmas. I think I will run as scheduled. If not, I will delay my next run until the day after Christmas.
I was surprised to learn that after weeks of being stuck at 132 lbs. I am down to 130 lbs. It's funny because last week I decreased my running by 30% and I had about 1,000 calories of buttered popcorn and Coke at the movies on Thursday.

Galloway Week Two

This past Monday was a day of firsts. It was a my first time running in cool FL air. The temperature was a pleasant 52 degrees. My son had no interest in running with me in the cooler air. My lungs were not happy. Today was also my first time running with our new ipod nano. I placed it in an armband. I felt very carefree and less weighted down than when I run with my iphone in it's heavy Otter Box.
I stopped to talk to a neightbor who expressed some interest in joining me for my runs. I told her about Couch 25K. I don't know if she's serious. She promised to check out the training schedule at
I had some encouragment from a couple of cheerleaders during my run. A landscaping worker was trimming bushes, flashed his gold teeth at me and told me to "Save some for tomorrow!" Another neighbor shook her fists in the air and said, "Keep it up. Exercise. That's what I'm talkin' 'bout."
After my run I had the energy to help our daughter do a deep cleaning of her room. I think that the run/walk intervals are working out well.

Galloway Week One

December 14-18, 2009

The last few weeks of Couch 25K were grueling. I felt very fatigued. My body was starting to shut down. On my running days and the next day I was longing for lengthy naps.
After reading Galloways' Book on Running I decided to follow some of his suggestions. Firstly, I decreased my running by 30%. Secondly, I decided to run intervals as he suggests for the older novice runner from age 40-60. I've also increased by water intake up from 64 oz. per day. Thirdly, I started running 3:1 run/walk intervals. I felt much more energized after decreasing my total mileage this week from 6 miles to 4 miles.

Bump Off a Log

This is a running blog and it serves as my running log.

I am a former bump on a log. Now I'm off the log and I'm running three days a week.

I started running on 9/11/09 using Couch 25K. I completed that program on 12/14/09.

I'm working on running a 5K with better timing.

My 10 y/o son and I ran our first 5K on Thanksgiving Day. Our time was 43:16 and our pace was 13:56.

We are running our second 5K on January 9, 2009.

We are following Jeff Galloway's suggestions and training for a better 5K by doing run walk intervals of 3 minutes of running to 1 minute of walking for 30 minutes.